A diversion into Crop Circles

June 27th cropcircle depicts the magnetosphere and also connects to the June 23 corp circle at the egg-shape.

New energy source? energy from Earth/Sun gets swept back. These spots of great power are close to Earth and are portals to other dimensions.

Or maybe could be a way to travel somewhere physically pretty darn fast.

Thought update: Still pondering and wondering what if:

(Taking a big leap here) there is life in these extremely harsh space environments OR there are desirable products there for "alien" races? The egg represents life from Earth that is collected in our wake as the Earth proceeds through space and perhaps this life that is sloughed off of the Earth is then collected and use to seed other planets or dimensions with life. In the previous crop circle with the egg there were balls (worlds) and doors or windows (dimensions). It seems to me that this glyph is more about the products of the magnetosphere than the magnetosphere itself.

Fascinating artwork!

connect the egg-shapes to understand (sort of)

the above ended up like this after a few(?) days.

I believe the egg shapes may be depicting the heads of "greys". There's got to be a better word. In the future it will seem racist don't you think?