I guess I should keep all the orb stuff here

Orbs communicate.

This is the original photograph taken on June 29, 2009 at 10:27 PM. It is hard to make out much detail other than a row of lights on the bottom of the orb and some triangles on the mid left side.

Here I have highlighted some of the features:

If you go back to the first image in this entry you will see that the angle below seems to emanate from the top of the vehicles, like a movie camera. To me this says forces are working to bring about Armageddon through fakery. What I see are humvees or military trucks projecting an image of a mummy on horseback.

and some more:

more detail:

When I was looking at this last night I saw a coliseum or stadium with gunmen (on the right) coming towards it, two domed buildings that may have been the Dome of the Rock and the US capitol. I can't see that now and I am getting over the flu so maybe I imagined it.

Original photo from which this orb was cropped: