just a little piece. That crop circle below that had the 3 parts to it. It was pointed out by someone at Earthfiles (?) that it looked like a Mayan (?) headdress but gosh don't it look like Kokopelli? I wonder if maybe the perspective difference is a representation of something else. In the crop circle I could imagine that the oval head is Kokopelli's with the right angle coming out to the right and above being his arms. The forearms could be the arc that then joins at the flute with the ball on the arc and flute intersection being his hands. The crop circle then perhaps shows vision or sound as Kokopelli perceives it and the arcs there are the arcs in Kokopelli's hair.
Remember that the first version of the circle ended with the five arcs and balls at the end of those. Maybe Kokopelli is a representation carried from the past of the same thing the crop circle shows us now but it has been altered as other myths get altered through time.
Why are they making these in Great Britain? What is the connection? Is it the hill or the horse?
I'm going to bet there are some things hidden from archaeology.
Not much for orbs last night. Just this freaky dude:
See post from 7/8/9 for more on this orb.