Telling friends and lovers about experiences outside the bounds of current accepted rational thought

This weekend I met up with some friends at a blue mussel and BELGIAN fry fest where I had my first interactions with people who had seen some of my pictures on Facebook. The reactions were all positive although I could sense they didn't know what to make of the pictures anymore than I did. I found that I was a bit bashful and non-committal about what I had been seeing which I suppose is a defensive gesture that makes no sense whatsoever. Having had the experience of being there taking the pictures in the first place I know everything was in order and that what I captured on camera were anomalies that presented themselves as is, as opposed to any trickery on my part behind the scenes. Nonetheless, without the pictures on hand and knowing whether my audience was interested in further discussion I let it be. I have had enough experiences outside the ordinary that it does not alter my total world view that there are indeed mysteries or entities that do in fact exist and are not currently included in the scientific curriculum of students of life in the Universe. I am pretty sure that many people in the world have mystical experiences that they do not speak of for fear of being labeled a fool.

I perceived my hardest challenge would be introducing my spouse to some of the phenomena. It is one thing to be labeled a crazy fool by all but your closest friends, not that I suggest any of them have anything but the utmost respect and admiration for me, however, it is quite another to present visual data that I have already begun to label with personally accepted terminology to a spouse or other close loved one and expect them to give me an "okay, good enough for me". I suppose this is my own fault for not living fully day to day and sharing my world with the people around me. There is a historical tendency on my part to close off from the world around me into my own comfortable shell. Wouldn't it be ironic that my opening up to an unseen world around me and vice a versa would have the same effect with my interactions with the flesh and blood people around me in my day to day life? About the wife, she was very accommodating of what I label "my project". I think I have a green light to proceed in communication with her about this subject.

What I have been documenting is something that seems alive to me. These things appear to be interacting with the camera and sometimes movement is caught inside the image such as the one at the head of the blog. What is life anyway? We include in the category of living those fauna and flora that exist in our three dimensional world. These three dimensional living things can be touched, dissected and controlled. They can be observed from conception to death and decomposition and every aspect of their requirements for thriving and otherwise can be determined through careful scientific observation.
A measurement of the flow of energies and matter in and out of the thing as it goes through its lifecycle can be gained as well. A requirement of repeatability of every study's outcome has to be met for a body of knowledge surrounding a living thing to be accepted as reality and a true witness of this living things existence.

I do not intend to scare anyone with these images nor do I wish to sensationalize what I have captured on camera as any sort of threat. Quite the contrary. Let's just say that I get good vibes, to use a very unquantitative term, from most of these things, both while I am taking the pictures and when I am on the computer adjusting the brightness and contrast to bring out the detail. Some of them have a funny grin that causes me to chuckle as it seems that they are having just as much fun with me as I am having with them.

This is a smile.