Dear reader,
My study started as a deliberate investigation of the orb phenomena after I saw what looked like eyes on a daytime orb I happened to catch on camera. Orbs led to orb streaks which then led to momentary ghostly apparitions caught by chance digitally. Now I find I am taking pictures of what some would call human ghosts, images of what we think of as more or less stereotypical E.Ts, large animals (resembling deer, horses, snakes, lizards, mice, bears, and more) and perhaps weirdest of all I am taking pictures of trees and shrubs whose foliage and branches take on the shapes of faces with an assortment of body styles.
If I didn't have it on pictures and video I would probably not tell anyone because it is kind of crazy sounding when described. My "contacts" have not revealed names, motivations or point of origination to me as of yet.
I am interested in a scientific inquiry into the phenomena I am witnessing and capturing on film but at this point I am limited to digital documentation and personal observation.
I don't get a bad vibe from these entities but a few images have been a bit creepy while a few have been very heartwarming. I have had a few ufo incidents over the past year and I assume they are related to the phenomena I am seeing on the ground. I think my initial investigation into orbs coincided with a rebirth of my spiritual growth.
SunLoveification (youtube channel)