The beings that show themselves using plant stems and foliage.
My rough theory on this phenomena as of now. These beings are related to the orb streaks, especially the one that I photographed and wrote about earlier in my blog. That orb streak was at first draped over a branch before it lifted up and I ran back inside like a scaredy cat. When the orbstreak lifted up there was an audible static like electrical sound similar to the sound these beings or something about them emits although it is only audible to me when slowed down to 1/4 speed.
When I am trying to get visible images out of the photographs I tweak the brightness and contrast. When the contrast is turned up and the brightness down, a sort of fluorescent color patching is visible on the trees and especially on the birches and dead oak branches. The orb streak was kind of fluorescent as well so I hypothesize that these entities can reside inside and on the tree. Trees are powered by light energy and obvious leaps can be made as far as thinking about what these entities represent.
I have read, on the Internet (I know), that some Arcturians have a horse-like head but with smaller ears and some other differences. These Arcturians are represented as being very highly spiritually evolved and I as I mentioned before I get good vibes from them when they appear in the vegetation. There are some other beings with shapes and expressions that are a little less traditionally comforting with mischievous smiles and eyes but the ones I am calling the Arcturians are present with them so I assume for now that they are part of the entourage.
There was a time last winter when I was feeling generally paranoid around the house at night, which may have had more to do with caffeine consumption during the day than anything else, but there was also the close UFO flyby in November. Anyway, I sensed that I would in the future be meeting beings from another world(s). It was a strong pervading sense that may have come from the pattern of UFO sightings and them getting closer over time, however there was also an inner knowledge that bordered on certainty that this would come to pass. I found this concerning and anxiety inducing but was relieved one night when headed off to bed by a "message from above" (total cliche), like a silent blessing that entered my mind while an overwhelming sense of peace filled my body and spirit in effect tucking me in for the night. As I lay there in bed I was overcome with emotion at the peace and serenity that had just entered my life at that point.
I know my wife and other rational people read this blog from time to time and let me just say I am telling it like it is. I am revealing a piece of me that I have kept wrapped up for quite awhile due to self doubt and fear of being called a fool or even worse, locked up in a loony bin. I DO have pictures. Ever since the day Joseph Nicephore Niepce took his first photograph certain aspects of life can no longer be ignored nor can their observers be hidden away with quite the same ease.