watching the sunset watchers

What makes a sunset beautiful? The sun setting provides a visual end to the day capping off yet another active waking period for the typical human being. Some people will stay up much later so maybe it is just the sense of awe for the giant lightbulb in the sky and the wonderful colors it paints on an otherwise blue sky. There are sunsets on other worlds and probably beings that take a moment to enjoy that which gives life to at least a portion of lifeforms across the Universe. Sunsets are but a piece of shared experience of the great oneness that connects universal conscious life source. What if we or you as I, as in your particular piece of the great oneness, could travel to other worlds to experience different sunsets. What would be more awe inspiring, the myriad of different sunsets or the fact that we joined the universal we in the great oneness to experience such a thing in the first place?