We as a species must learn to coexist with the rest of the planet in a way that does not degrade the natural balance of things.
I believe that nature includes all. Nature does not stop at the border of a park, nor does it stop at the Earth-Air boundary. Nature is divine creation and always evolving and resolving. The concept of heaven that humanity strives for is available through conscious creation in the here and now. We do not see, nor are we aware of all that shares existence with us.
new digs ~ new blogs
I am still in the process of relocating and will return to this blog soon. I have new orb pictures from Burlington!
Hello new visitors
I realize you may have come here after I gave you my addy for an orb blog and you may be thinking "Where's the orbs?". Well it expanded beyond that. I am working on sort of a best of from 2009 which will be a compilation of photos but here is probably my best vid of the year although I would and still may change the language if I can keep the same link. (Looking into this)
more to come this weekend
more to come this weekend
Little Green Men
Here is an interesting video which I have added to my SunLoveification Exhibit series, this being the third one and thus named SunLoveification Exhibit 3. There is plenty to see if you want to just dive right in, otherwise pay attention to the right hand side. The image is repeated quite a bit so you will catch on in due time. As always I recommend everyone really learn to tune into their spirit and maintain a certain level of heart centered protection. Love attracts love which is a very good thing for the paranormal investigator. Light attracts similar but also those searching for the light and perhaps not as spiritually aware as the light source. Say a little prayer for these beings and ask Archangel Michael, or is it Archangel Metatron, I just ask them both for help guiding wayward souls towards where they need to go. What remains is then more easily defined as something just plain weird. Ok so it's all weird, even the mention of the archangels and squeezy fluffy love. I'm using the word God now when I had given up on thinking in that way. Thought I had advanced beyond that. The thing is, when one starts to see things that weren't even mentioned in 25 plus years of alien and scifi storytelling one is open to new story telling that explains what this phenomena really is.
fall Rain fall
I am putting up two new videos today. One, fall Rain fall, is shot in real time and one, fall Rain, is a segment of the same footage but slowed down.
fall Rain fall description:
Let's just say this is a view of my reality on November 20, 2009. The footage is in the same genre of many of my other videos in that I think there is more to see than is commonly seen.
Some time ago I read a letter circulating the internet with the phrase "do you wish for us to appear". After reading the letter and deliberately considering the change that would occur for a couple days I decided that, yes, I did wish for them to appear. Them is really us. What I see sees me seeing it and isn't that an interesting state of affairs. God wants to be found and will help break down the wall that has been in place since childhood. God is the creation of now and right now we are alive and creating the next moment. God is a funny word to us because it demands a definition by the various groups and individuals that will never be agreed upon until we see the commonality, the oneness, that connects us all to one another.
This video is also made in tribute to COAKD1 and his relaxing rainfall video.
EDIT: Here is SunLovification Exhibit 2, a video which is a short segment of the above mentioned footage which after 6 hours of uploading YouTube aborted the upload.
fall Rain fall description:
Let's just say this is a view of my reality on November 20, 2009. The footage is in the same genre of many of my other videos in that I think there is more to see than is commonly seen.
Some time ago I read a letter circulating the internet with the phrase "do you wish for us to appear". After reading the letter and deliberately considering the change that would occur for a couple days I decided that, yes, I did wish for them to appear. Them is really us. What I see sees me seeing it and isn't that an interesting state of affairs. God wants to be found and will help break down the wall that has been in place since childhood. God is the creation of now and right now we are alive and creating the next moment. God is a funny word to us because it demands a definition by the various groups and individuals that will never be agreed upon until we see the commonality, the oneness, that connects us all to one another.
This video is also made in tribute to COAKD1 and his relaxing rainfall video.
EDIT: Here is SunLovification Exhibit 2, a video which is a short segment of the above mentioned footage which after 6 hours of uploading YouTube aborted the upload.
November 19, 2009 digested information
This is taken from a conversation I had with a friend and then edited for readibility.
I was listening to an audio last night and heard a message in it about "God wants to be found" and if you push on the door God and the angelic realm (or whatever names) will help open from the other side. I think that the entities that show up in the vegetation represent the creator as they show up in different animal forms, known and unknown. These entities react to my noticing them going so far as to return smiles. The ones in the clouds send back pictures that I still have to put together into a package. There have been several pictures of entities walking dogs and I take these pictures when I am walking my dog. The dogs in the clouds have the same markings as my dog. It is a trip and I think it is something that A LOT of people are going to be seeing soon.
--so that was my awakening this morning - that God is literally here and wants to be found and is helping to be found.
I also heard in a previous audio that curiosity is very good for the planet, universe and spiritual connection.
So what I am saying is that I believe that I am now experiencing a personal connection and conversation with God and I believe that many people are going to be going through this in their own way if they are not already.
I am motivated by love for all and by a desire for a deeper connection with truth and light.
I am shedding my skin and dropping the baggage I have been carrying around for decades. This has made for space for expansion which is presently manifesting and which I am attempting to document.
I was listening to an audio last night and heard a message in it about "God wants to be found" and if you push on the door God and the angelic realm (or whatever names) will help open from the other side. I think that the entities that show up in the vegetation represent the creator as they show up in different animal forms, known and unknown. These entities react to my noticing them going so far as to return smiles. The ones in the clouds send back pictures that I still have to put together into a package. There have been several pictures of entities walking dogs and I take these pictures when I am walking my dog. The dogs in the clouds have the same markings as my dog. It is a trip and I think it is something that A LOT of people are going to be seeing soon.
--so that was my awakening this morning - that God is literally here and wants to be found and is helping to be found.
I also heard in a previous audio that curiosity is very good for the planet, universe and spiritual connection.
So what I am saying is that I believe that I am now experiencing a personal connection and conversation with God and I believe that many people are going to be going through this in their own way if they are not already.
I am motivated by love for all and by a desire for a deeper connection with truth and light.
I am shedding my skin and dropping the baggage I have been carrying around for decades. This has made for space for expansion which is presently manifesting and which I am attempting to document.
angels, demons or goofy spirts having fun?
I am not sure what to say about this cloud formation I photographed today. When I saw it at first I saw a good photo before noticing it was a angel. Now having played around with the contrast and brightness (on extra copies) I see beings interacting with dogs and maybe a horse. My dog, whom I was walking at the time, has a big black spot on the side as well. I think I see a white-tailed deer below the head of the angel with a dog then in front of that.
This idea of where one begins and one ends is a bit of a Zen koan. When one considers the idea of the oneness of all creation, along with the recognition of an assumed dependency on a certain interrelatedness of all things, finding proof is a daunting task. Then again, the ideas related to chaos theory and those relating to the holographic nature of the universe have proof found in nature in such examples as Fibonacci number sequences found in plants such as a sunflower or an ear of corn.
Greg Braden on the Holographic Universe
What have we been seeing all the time but not seen because we had no frame of reference for which to see it?
The Egyptian Book of the Dead and what I saw
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The new (ly detected) ring around Saturn.
This comes from the "chapter for opening the mouth of Ani" in the Egyptian Book of the Dead which begins, "My mouth is opened by Ptah...."
my new video series
I am starting a new video series that will be a simple presentation of video (and probably pictures) containing paranormal elements.
the first video is here:
SunLoveification Exhibit 1
the first video is here:
SunLoveification Exhibit 1
Fall has fallen
Just a quick note of observation: the foliage is down and thus the foliage apparitions have ceased except some on the evergreens. This begs the further question as to where "they" go. Are they plural? I promise more material very soon. I have a vid compilation of pictures in the works.
phenomena, paranormal and spiritual
In this blog and in some of my YouTube videos I use sensational language at times. This stems from my former use of various discussion boards where it seemed advantageous to attract attention and thus hits and posts of various threads. Now I am finding that I need to pay proper respect to the divine spirit that lays behind and within what we call paranormal phenomena. In this blog I have pictures of the "alien in the orb", the mysterious segmented rod, ghostly apparitions and more. There is a part of me that is tempted to shop these experiences around PT Barnum style and try to cash in. Lord knows I have expenses and debt like most everyone else not to mention the depressed economic conditions in my current small town. What I have decided and what spirit has directed is that I will now work even closer with my heart center and try to present media and experiences in ways that do not cheapen the experiences and bring them down to tabloid level.
Consciousness is raising and I do my best to help it continue to rise.
Consciousness is raising and I do my best to help it continue to rise.
What do you expect with disclosure?
Do you even expect an "official" word from our leaders saying yes these entities are in fact real and here is what we know? I don't expect much of any substance from a government representative any more than I would expect non biased information form a corporate voicebox. I am more interested in hearing from people in tune with life and, in my opinion, a little more able to interpret in a meaningful way the various experiences shared between humans and non humans.
Is culture an ego for the masses?
Should we maybe drop culture?
What is our culture and what is manufactured culture?
Is culture an ego for the masses?
Should we maybe drop culture?
What is our culture and what is manufactured culture?
Mystical is the glimpse of divinely enchanted nature that we experience at times somewhere from rarely to every moment. The act of simply being aware of being being in itself is mystical.
Paranormal is not normal, but neither is normal normal. Things are constantly changing and considering the Earth rotates at about 1000 mph and hurtles through the universe at 43,000 mph we are constantly in a new place in the universe.
be here now
Paranormal is not normal, but neither is normal normal. Things are constantly changing and considering the Earth rotates at about 1000 mph and hurtles through the universe at 43,000 mph we are constantly in a new place in the universe.
be here now
Hey I wrote a poem
Confine your mind
unleash your spine
the snake rose apple did
find eves bind.
Venus magic accused
nature slayed in the news
and true organic refused.
Bees Here Now know
the show is extruded
bleached white chemical
drugs in the food.
Pollyprescripted moods
corporate monkey back cash
junk bonds the sheep to the lash.
Fix my face dash
times knocked the needle
from the top forty trackpath
and she sings now with stutter
boys to men phazed to gutter.
Al's expounds make the rounds
Dead prezes switch mounds
fat cats in heat sounds
with the hat in gallery
funds or no funs
I'll take the game home with me
banish uncertainty
bailouts prolific
for nothing specific
peoples people pathetic
American dream diabetic.
This is a self portrait taken with the camera on timer. If you look above my head maybe you can see a blurry area with a eye or two (or more). I think what I'm dealing with is another dimension which moves very quick so that it is hard to get a clear picture and sometimes the figure that appears shows its face from two or more different perspectives. When photography was first invented remember they had to have everyone stand very still for a long exposure so that the picture wasn't blurred. The alien in the orb in the blog header photo similarly shows two faces as if caught in motion.
Again, the vibes are generally positive and playful and often very spiritual. I have meditated in a large rough circle with what appear to me as large entities. I do the violet flame meditation frequently, youtube search if interested and you may find one that suits you.
Even if it is scary or reptilian biases come to mind we have to bear in mind that the whole universe is evolving just as we are. Change is natural. Ascension is natural. Be. Oneness.
Welcome to my blog.
I started spreading the address around a bit so I expect a few more people to stumble by here. When I began this blog it was anonymous which granted me a freedom to write without care of judgment and rolling eyeballs. Some of the stuff I write is me pretty much thinking out loud and letting my imagination roam free in hopes of gaining an unexpected insight. I don't really think there is a giant physical alien living in the sun. What I write are my observations as seen through my eyes and filtered through my brain.
I am interested in writing a book about all of this and I have a lot more pictures and seem to be in the position to take even more.
I am interested in writing a book about all of this and I have a lot more pictures and seem to be in the position to take even more.
Another cloud video
I'll just say right off the bat that the best part is right at the end. At the beginning the camera is shaky but it calms down after a minute or two.
I believe that there is life force within the clouds and throughout nature. I believe that we humans are sort of analogous to bodily organs or cells for Gaia. When the Earth is thought of as Gaia it is then considered a living being as opposed to a rock hurtling through space with some lichen and moss attached. We consider ourselves human only yet we carry bacteria in our stomachs and other living beasties but we just ignore them because they are not considered significant.
Where am I going with this? Good question. Something about communicating with or through the clouds.
Perhaps Gaia is but a cell of the Universe.
I believe that there is life force within the clouds and throughout nature. I believe that we humans are sort of analogous to bodily organs or cells for Gaia. When the Earth is thought of as Gaia it is then considered a living being as opposed to a rock hurtling through space with some lichen and moss attached. We consider ourselves human only yet we carry bacteria in our stomachs and other living beasties but we just ignore them because they are not considered significant.
Where am I going with this? Good question. Something about communicating with or through the clouds.
Perhaps Gaia is but a cell of the Universe.
well it's been three weeks since I was informed I would be involved in a divorce and hence been too distracted to write much. Life goes on. Awareness of the oneness transcends momentary socio-cultural glitches.
Love is there and is here. What is broken? Dreams and wishes. These were of the future and are now fading into the past.
Love reveals oneness.
Keep love in your heart.
Oneness knows oneness.
Now you become aware.
Ahhhhhhh...... all is well. :)
Love is there and is here. What is broken? Dreams and wishes. These were of the future and are now fading into the past.
Love reveals oneness.
Keep love in your heart.
Oneness knows oneness.
Now you become aware.
Ahhhhhhh...... all is well. :)
Elementals, I have read and heard, are nature spirits and have names such as faeries, trolls, elves and more. I think this is a snake ghost coming out of a log. I have too many pictures to post them all. It's just nuts around here. Keeping a positive attitude that starts with unconditional love for all of creation puts me into a great vibe and may or may not attract these things I have been seeing. Jennifer Hoffman suggested that they may be attracted to our light thinking it is THE light and that maybe doing some praying and guiding towards the lighted path for these entities may be a good thing. A rising tide lifts all ships.
Fundamental discovery (pure conjecture)
CME 8/29/2009
What if?
IF: God is everywhere, we are everywhere, what we know is just what we believe and may not represent reality.
CME 8/29/2009
What if?
IF: God is everywhere, we are everywhere, what we know is just what we believe and may not represent reality.
a summary of collected thoughts
Dear reader,
My study started as a deliberate investigation of the orb phenomena after I saw what looked like eyes on a daytime orb I happened to catch on camera. Orbs led to orb streaks which then led to momentary ghostly apparitions caught by chance digitally. Now I find I am taking pictures of what some would call human ghosts, images of what we think of as more or less stereotypical E.Ts, large animals (resembling deer, horses, snakes, lizards, mice, bears, and more) and perhaps weirdest of all I am taking pictures of trees and shrubs whose foliage and branches take on the shapes of faces with an assortment of body styles.
If I didn't have it on pictures and video I would probably not tell anyone because it is kind of crazy sounding when described. My "contacts" have not revealed names, motivations or point of origination to me as of yet.
I am interested in a scientific inquiry into the phenomena I am witnessing and capturing on film but at this point I am limited to digital documentation and personal observation.
I don't get a bad vibe from these entities but a few images have been a bit creepy while a few have been very heartwarming. I have had a few ufo incidents over the past year and I assume they are related to the phenomena I am seeing on the ground. I think my initial investigation into orbs coincided with a rebirth of my spiritual growth.
SunLoveification (youtube channel)
My study started as a deliberate investigation of the orb phenomena after I saw what looked like eyes on a daytime orb I happened to catch on camera. Orbs led to orb streaks which then led to momentary ghostly apparitions caught by chance digitally. Now I find I am taking pictures of what some would call human ghosts, images of what we think of as more or less stereotypical E.Ts, large animals (resembling deer, horses, snakes, lizards, mice, bears, and more) and perhaps weirdest of all I am taking pictures of trees and shrubs whose foliage and branches take on the shapes of faces with an assortment of body styles.
If I didn't have it on pictures and video I would probably not tell anyone because it is kind of crazy sounding when described. My "contacts" have not revealed names, motivations or point of origination to me as of yet.
I am interested in a scientific inquiry into the phenomena I am witnessing and capturing on film but at this point I am limited to digital documentation and personal observation.
I don't get a bad vibe from these entities but a few images have been a bit creepy while a few have been very heartwarming. I have had a few ufo incidents over the past year and I assume they are related to the phenomena I am seeing on the ground. I think my initial investigation into orbs coincided with a rebirth of my spiritual growth.
SunLoveification (youtube channel)
Costanzanian Conundrums
The orbs have led me to so much more, beyond what I could imagine in my most adventurous imaginings. I have always been curious about the natural world and now find that it seems curious about me which I find a very humbling experience. So I have arrived at a juncture of decision and discretion. Shall I keep a foot, limb, tentacle in each of my worlds or shall I resist this Costanzanian collision of worlds? My choice leans towards the synthesis of my various worlds which then leads to the dilemma of discretion in which I play the conduit and regulator of information exchange. Ethically I feel responsible to parcel out as to protect the delicate aspects of each world from the coarser elements each present to the other yet I wonder if each world can perhaps synchronistically incorporate a full synthesis at this time. Worlds unseen for ages could be adapted to being invisible.......(thinking)
A slight detour (Invocation from Thoth's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza )
Mostly this is to remind me to look for the "Invocation from Thoth's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza" and then look into meditating upon it.
if you find it hook me up (pretty please?)
Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence"
I hope it's okay to post this. Let me know if you want me to pull it.
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